Kind of like classical music for people that don't like classical music, the latest from Gandalf is a well structured outing that finds pacing and movement as critical as musicianship. A totally delightful set that is real music that can be enjoyed in the background or foreground, this is the kind of set that can redefine new age in the general public's mind. Partly a throwback to the early days of NAC when no one knew what to make of instrumental music that wasn't jazz, the best thing to call this is alternative adult at its best. --Chris Spector - Midwest Record Recap.
当你听Gandalf的音乐时,你就会确切地知道,为什么早在J.R.R. Tolkien风靡一时的史诗之作《Lord of the Rings》令全世界影迷为之着迷之前几年,这位"音乐风景画家"就选择了这个名字。Gandalf出生于澳大利亚,曾遍游欧洲,北美,南美和亚洲。他对所到之处的文化了解越多,就越被这种现实所触动——在我们这个行星上,不同种族人民之间的共同点远比分歧要多。他创作和录制唱片的目标是:创造消除隔阂的音乐。
Gandalf演奏多种多样的乐器(声学吉他与电吉他、锡塔尔琴、萨斯、charango、布祖基琴、balaphon、钢琴、电子合成器和脉冲采样键盘,以及各种打击乐器),混合了电子和天空的声音,并将民族元素编入了交响乐结构中,以创造其明显而独特的风格。他与国际上的艺术家进行了合作,包括过去的Genesis吉他演奏家Steve Hackett,突尼斯歌手兼乌得琴演奏者Dhafer Yossef,还有他在巴西的一次钢琴巡回演出上遇到的英国大提琴演奏家兼歌手Emily Burridge a.k White Horse。Gandalf也为剧场和电影作曲。
吉他、钢琴、键盘、声音脉冲采样器和打击乐器编排出声学的、电子的和天空的声音,带有民族元素,以消除横亘于不同音乐类别间的隔阂,创造出一张跨文化的全球音乐杰作。实为New Age音乐发展中令人惊喜的成果。
甘道夫09新砖 - Sanctuary
《Sanctuary》- Gandalf - 2009年
01.Alhambra - Prelude
02. Under Southern Skies
03. Once in a Star-Brightened Night
04. Alhambra
05. A Place in the Sun
06. Citadel - Part 1
07. Citadel - Part 2
08. The Loveliest Flower in My Garden
09. Pilgrim's Road
10: A Place in the Sun - Interlude
11: When Blossoms Turn to Fruit
12. Alhambra - Reflections 2:44